Two points, or nits, depending on your view:

1) "And the extent of the US government and media's failure surprised even me."

How much 'failure' before it becomes logical to consider that it is not failure at all, at least not in how the term is normally defined? The odds of that many people being that wrong for that long are astronomical. Occam's Razor suggests that this campaign was not failure, it was intentional. Govt and media lined up behind a particular message and not only pushed it in the face of contradictory evidence, they also attacked and tried to silence anyone who noticed the disconnect.

2)“[The experience] confirmed for me that employees of legacy media corporations were not just evil, but stupid."

See 1. When you are parroting a line that is not just wrong but also dangerous and can harm people, then you are in the evil "camp. Two respected media journals pulled a "study" because it was essentially made up. And this is the same media that gave us "Russian collusion" for four years.

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Long live the truth.

Get out of ignorance.

Man was invited by his Lord to gather and cooperate.

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While I don't wish to take anything away from Mr. Srinivasan; all of these failure points and weaknesses have been discussed many times before this and unfortunately demonstrated that those concerns were real. I note Mr. Srinivasan recognized these previous pandemic concerns when he said: "What if this coronavirus is the pandemic that public health people have been warning about for years?" which I believe that Mr. Cenedella mistakes this as a prediction. That said, Mr. Srinivasan did provide an excellent abstract and summary of all the possible failures that public health experts have been warning us abut for many years.

The stunning fact for me is how ignorant the US population is of world events, the WHO had published enough data on the outbreak by Jan 10th to indicate that this was indeed very serious, the world had the genetic sequence of Convid-19 by Jan 12th and by Jan 23rd WHO had convened an emergency committee meeting to discuss strategy and on Jan 30 WHO declared Coveid-19 a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern"

It is at this point that the US Government failed to act in the best interest of the people who elected them to service. I dare say that if the US had followed the WHO guidance provided at the end of January with clear decisive action, the US and possibly the world would look very different today.

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Jan 31, 2022

What if C.0-V iD is not as broadcast to the world. Government data is showing that the numbers are not adding up. I won't say more, but...

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