Dec 15, 2021Liked by Marc Cenedella

Interesting. Regarding the large number of unfilled jobs ... I saw somewhere else (and I can't find it now, it must be lost in my infinite news feed somewhere) that contributing to this trend are older workers (most likely Boomers) who are retiring sooner or taking "early retirement packages" in larger numbers than expected. Population-wise, they make up a huge chunk of the population and I wonder if you think that could be part of what's happening.

The other thing that may be contributing to the number of open jobs is that workers may have cut back on extra jobs ... as in gone from 3 jobs to 2 or from 2 jobs to 1 with the pandemic. I have no source for that either, but I did hear it mentioned once by an analyst on one of the news shows.

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I'm sure that you are getting some current data on the jobs being filled and hiring is doing well. Which is exactly what the government wants us to think. I do not believe any of that from where I stand and what I am seeing first hand. they say unemployment is down, of course it is because when you run out of benefits your no longer in the count so that changes the number.

I have companies telling me thy cant man the job because there are no workers. they cant stay open later then normal because no workers. Some close friends have closed their business and others are working double shifts just stay open.

My very close friend has gone on 5 interviews 3 of them were leads that I gave to contacts of mine that I know well and I was told they didn't get a call back. I reached out and they said we don't have the people to hire actually and a few other things. If a spot is available we will call. Now for one that makes me look like shit when they asked if I had anyone looking and they had the resume in the next 15 mins. of the person I sent and now nothing. So the person who put trust and faith in me that I said i could help has lost that.

The only people that are working are the ones that worked all through Covid - 19 with no extra pay or compensation or free government money. The one's that are not for the most part are the ones sucking off the government's tit. yes lets sit at home and collect free money that will cost the next 2 or 3 generations issue. maybe the government should just STFU and stay in DC and Off the tv. they are not helping one bit.

So help me out here please


Anthony R (Moose) Ticconi

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