Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

Timely tips I needed to hear or be reminded of ... like ditching yahoo email professionally and investing in that lighting setup! I've never been attracted to the Gmail bandwagon so maybe it's finally time to create my own domain and email as an entrepreneur.

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That’s exactly right Gaylyn!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author


Per your request this is the email that I sent to you.

I read every one of your letters, but this one has wrong information that you might not be aware of with regards to the phones I grew up with (picture in the article) and now have a "modern phone".

The "landline" is also an emergency asset in that when it is used the emergency operator knows exactly where you are calling from and not wasting time getting your address or phone number.

If you don't believe me asks a first responder.

Also, the cell phone to get your location it has to triangulate your position relative to the cell tower your phone communicates with.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

Great article. Very timely as well.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

So true. And while my preferred email is from yes, Hotmail, I use gmail for my resume etc. You forgot to mention wiping the first decade of work off your resume and linkedin (they must always match!).

I'm 55, graduated in '89, but if you look me up on LI or my resume, I started working around 2000. I'm proud of what I did and accomplished in the 90's, but it's like it never happened. It's sad but it's what has to be done - especially in my line of work - digital media sales.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

Using Jenny's phone number might show your age too 😂

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Glad you caught that, Ben! 😂😂

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

As long as you're ditching the home phone and your AOL email because they are old and out-of-date, you should also update your lighting game. Your link to florescent lighting on Amazon is similarly "old school." The industry has moved on to LED lighting that lets you adjust color temperatures with the push of a button. Great for adjusting for any ambient lighting that is in your room.

Low cost and highly portable heads, inexpensive diffusers, a variety of easy mounts. Compact and inexpensive and ... modern.

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True, Andy! I have a large Neewer ring light with temperature adjustment, etc., but honestly, couldn't figure out how to make it look as good as these two large Fovitec boxlights. Small steps for the amateures, first?

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

Thanks for the article! It is so easy to get comfortable with what we know! The 1 to 2 hours a week in focusing on new technology is priceless. The lighting hits home too. I always thought I was an attractive woman. But, vanity is on a entirely new level with the new generation. I just hope they are saving for retirement.

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Good points Crystal!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Marc Cenedella, Author

You speak of "fashion" and that is what much of this is - meaningless fluff for self-important snobs to make themselves feel better. Why one free email service is inherently more prestigious than another bewilders me. I have 3 personal email services along with 2 that belong to my current employers/clients and 5 more that represent my businesses. I use them for distinct purposes and acknowledge that they do convey different impressions, but to hear from recruiters that they will reject an applicant simply because they use Hotmail rather than Gmail immediately downgrades that company's standing in my eyes. What chutzpah!

No one knows whether my phone # is land-based, IP, or mobile. Again, I have all of the above.

As to the rest, I agree. One must keep current on the tech that drives the industry that one works in. It is pathetic that I still find myself explaining basic communication and calendaring tools to C-level executives in tech heavy industries. If you want to stand out, be the competent one in the room. If no one in that hypothetical room knows the answer, volunteer to find it.

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👀 seemingly so, but still a great source of communication. The internet 🤣 will not be available 😑 forever. Change Is adaptation to current deterioration; whether we personally participate in the deterioration or not, we best just accept 😉 change for the better.

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Thanks 👍 😊 Marc for all the great reminders.

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HR should pay less to Parsing and more to Personal interplay to attract recruits .

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

Nothing could convince me to pay for your verbal trash.

I have already unsubscribed from receiving any more of this.

The tone of your piece is condescending and insulting. You could show some class and make valid points without ever having to resort to lowest common denominator attacks. Oh - but I guess you forgot that one - class - because you don't have any. Shove your shitty ageism up your ass.

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Sorry you feel that way Eva!

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AOL has very low POP ups and crazy calls . Google has been very intrusive and is useless due to its interruptible ads.

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>>AOL email addresses. Along with Hotmail and Yahoo, an AOL email address says that you first got

>>an email address more than a decade ago, and perhaps haven’t bothered to keep up...

Hmmm.... Email is just a utility application. Didn't think there was any fashion involved... Any young'un who actually believes that an email domain name needs to be "fashionable" is unbelievably shallow. I'm not moving 20 years worth of archives just so I can be "fashionable"...

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Fair point Free Human, you just need to know that others perceive 'it's been good enough for me for 20 years' as someone who doesn't fancy keeping up on the latest technologies. And that might translate to on-the-job performance in keeping up with technology as well.

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